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Sasak Player
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6 months ago
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about 1 month ago
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Minecraft: sasak
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  1. Your IGN Name, sasak 
  2. Your Discord Username. FX_gamer
  3. Your Channel URL. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS476iYDH8NfBUV9BbDN6fw
  4. second channel URL. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuWeXsj_B5QDFdthzV_uOlQ
  5. Your Playtime on Fakepixel Network? 356hours and 37 minutes
  6. i make fakepixel guide videos and i got 100 views in fakepixel skyblock video so give me YT rank for more exclusive fakepixel content 

My user name sasak

Discord username FX_gamer01

Channel link https://youtube.com/@psd5_gamer?feature=shared

Give me youtube rank plz i want to make best videos for fakepixel 

My ing:- sasak 

Discord username fx_gamer01

Channel link https://youtube.com/@fxedits123?feature=shared

2nd channel link https://youtube.com/@og_playz_1211?feature=shared

Game play time 64 hours 45 mins 

I want youtube rank in your own popular server 🤝

I am youtube Creator.

Channel URL :- https://youtube.com/@fxedits123?feature=shared

My ign sasak