Your IGN: Pisachi_
Date and Time: 31/12/2024 1:25 A.M (IST)
Description of the Bug:
BuildFFA coin system don't work correctly. It shows +3 coins/2 rating but actually if you check your coins , you get +35 coins each kill.
Your IGN: Pisachi_
Date and Time: 31/12/2024 1:03 A.M (IST)
Description of the Bug:
No permission to use cosmetics
Screenshots or Video:
Your IGN: Pisachi_
Date and Time: 31/12/2024 12:34 A.M (IST)
Description of the Bug:
Exchanger do not work in buildffa. You exchange gold for coins but you don't get the coins in game but you lose your golds. Message of the exchange also appears in the chat
Screenshots or Video:
Your IGN: Pisachi_
Date and Time: 31/12/2024 12:30 A.M (IST)
Description of the Bug:
If you buy something using coins (I bought potion) in buildffa store it shows message 'You successfully made a purchase for %golds% coins'
Screenshots or Video: