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Oneeb_Gamer Player
5 posts
3 topics
5 months ago

Hi sir,


It all started almost 2 years ago, when I met a person named Jaydeep_Gamerz, and we became Friends and after some time He asked me to give him co-op on my island, only to stay in touch with Me, He said He wont do anything to minions and stuff, as He was a good friend of mine I gave him co-op, and then before I went offline for exams, 130m from my bank account vanished, I thought it to be a glitch and reported it to staff team, ending up Helpless, and then I went offline in Jenuary (dont exactly know) for the Preperations of my Board exams, Which were to be in March-April 2024,  I dicided to come and empty my minions for this reason I came online online in Last days of February, I Saw that My island was gone. Luckly I had a second island (coop) with a friend who had left Skyblock. I thought that it was a glitch, I reported to the discord team, But there was no such glitch, then I came and visited my coop (Jaydeep_Gamerz) and I saw that He was alone In my island, Also He had me removed from My Friend list. That moment I got very sad and I then waited for him to come  online. After a few days when we both came online on same time, He wasnt replying me at first, but when I went to visit him He said  That He dont know me. Then I asked him that is he Jaydeep (my coop) He said He was his Brother. due to his exams He wont come  online Till Match (1st march was his exam), and He said that He kicked me. I then Asked him to give me back coop and my stuff. He  said that He can't because His brother owned his island. I told him to give the phone to ur brother (Jaydeep) He said I cant. because  His mother wont let him use phone. Which I think He was lying. At He agreed to give me my island but not stuff, That his brother will  give it to me. he tried to give but couldnt run the command. It said you arnt the owner of the island. Then He started ignoring me  and didnt accept my friend request. My island is still there if you would do /visit Jaydeep_Gamerz and then cocumber. I even saw My  stuff being selled on the ah (reaper set). and then He went offline (He would come online for 20 minutes empty minions and go back). I thought not to report him and wait for Jaydeep, as I had hope cuz he was my friend. after my exams, I could'nt meat him because He just wont come online. Then now, a few days ago, I saw Him and Visited his island, He was farming, He said He doesn't know me (also he had a VIP rank). I told him I was your friend He said He is not Jaydeep. Jaydeep sold me his Account for 10,000 inr  ($120 usd). which I cant believe Why would someone pay for this much for a cracked account. He then flexed on me his hyperion.  It felt so bad that I lost a 300+ hours playtime Profile, on which I started playing skyblock. On which I spent hours Grinding, I lost it, I have started playing again on new profile, but even today, I remember I had so much things, even today I remember doing E-man  slayer with juju and Fd armour on my that profile, and now I have lost it all. I dont want Jaydeep punished or anything, He may be lying or its True, I am not sad He got my stuff and island, I am sad cuz I lost my entire progress, Its not a problem for me to grind it all the way again, but Some thing when I am alwas playing Skyblock Hits me that why dont you report it to staff team. maybe they would Help you, If you have read it Thank you so much, Now its all on you, what decision you take, weather ignore me or Give anything to me worth that profile, Like anything, That profile was worth like a billion coins, But it was more than that for me, despite the coins and Equipments I had, I had spend hours on that profile, and skills and much more minor things. I will Happily take anything Like a Rank, Dctr-Helmet, or anything, just to get satisfied of what I have done in the past.

This is The image I got When i last time met him... Thank you sir My discord is (.Oneeb) and My ign is Oneeb_Gamer...

Last edited: 5 months ago
Oneeb_Gamer Player
5 posts
3 topics
5 months ago

Ghost of Russia Player
122 posts
54 topics
5 months ago

i hope that jaydeep wasnt pranking... or hell get punished


Rage Player
2 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

This is IRL Trading 

StoneHe4rt? MVP+ VIP+ VIP Player
23 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

