Name: George
Age: 17
Country and Timezone: Canada & UTC-05:00 (EST)
In-Game Name (IGN): SigmaCat_ (Old IGN: SigmaCat69_, I changed it a few days ago)
Discord ID: 1050893860747870261
Do you have a PC and a microphone? Yes, I have a PC but, unfortunately, not a working microphone.
Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos? Yes.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2 years.
How long have you been active on Fakepixel? Around 5-6 months (if Discord is included).
Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify. No, I’m not currently involved in any Minecraft projects, and I wish to work for Fakepixel Network forever.
Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak? Yes, I speak English, French, and Russian.
Where are you most active on the Fakepixel Network? Everywhere, but mostly on the Discord server and in Murder Mystery.
How much time can you dedicate to the role each week? 77 hours/week.
Have you ever been punished on any server? If so, please provide details: No, I've never been punished on any server. I respect the rules, staff members, the community, and the developers for their hard work in making the server even better.
Describe a mistake you made in the last year (not related to Fakepixel). How did you handle it? What did you learn? I struggled with anger issues and impulsivity, but fortunately, I no longer have these problems.
Do you have prior experience in server moderation or leadership roles? If so, please share your previous projects and roles, the skills you gained, and how they will assist you in this position: Yes, I was a Junior Helper here and also previously a Discord staff member. I learned a lot through handling tickets and collaborating with fellow staff members. I believe this experience will be very useful as I am already familiar with the role.
Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fakepixel Network? To help people, answer their questions, guide them, and punish rule breakers accordingly & enforce rules if needed.
Tell us a bit about yourself, including your hobbies and interests: I’m a cat, I’m addicted to Minecraft, Discord, and Fakepixel. My hobbies are helping people and newbies and making others smile.
Is there anything else you would like us to know? Being a Fakepixel staff member was a dream of mine, and I was fortunate to experience it for a few days. Becoming a Fakepixel staff member again is both a dream and a goal for me. I had to wait an entire month to re-apply, which felt like a long time, If I ever get the chance to be a Fakepixel staff member again, I promise that I'll do better than ever before. Thank you for considering my application! ️
Last edited: 6 months ago x 1