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Declined JR Helper Application!
Topic Locked
336 posts
21 topics
6 months ago

Name: Nagi 


Age: 17


Country and Time Zone: Currently in Moscow , MSK UTC+3


In-Game Name (IGN): NAGI_29


Discord ID:   nagi_2929


Do you have a PC and a microphone?

: Yes!


Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos?

: Yes!, I am capable of recording minecraft videos , I use OBS for recording


How long have you been playing Minecraft?

: approximately 6 years.


How long have you been active on Fakepixel ?

: . 650+ hours , more than 1.5-2 years


Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify:

: No, Currently i am not involved in any other Minecraft projects.


Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak?

: Yes!, I am multilingual As I speak:-


                       - Proper English , Japanese and Korean


                       - Average Hindi and Trying to learn Russian 


Where are you most active on the Fakepixel Network?

: Bedwars and duels 


How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?

: I can dedicate my 35-40 hours a week and maybe more in the weekends.


Have you ever been punished on any server? If so, please provide details:

: No.


Describe a mistake you made in the last year (not related to Fakepixel ). How did you handle it? What did you learn?

: Probably my biggest mistake will be not managing my things and my time which is a common problem but i am quite happy to say now after a long time and some mistakes i made , I learned how to manage both my time and responsibilities and to complete my commitments as i said or promised.


Do you have prior experience in server moderation or leadership roles? If so, please share your previous projects and roles, the skills you gained, and how they will assist you in this position:

: Yes!, I have some experience of the moderation/leadership roles :-


: Leadership Role in my discord server which is related to Minecraft servers.

: Fakepixel as a Beta Tester, I am handing 90% of Bedwars and Duels Bug reports myself.

: CrackMc as a Game Master , last year.


Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fakepixel Network?

I like playing Bedwars on fakepixel a lot and now i have some free time and i will like to work to make Bedwars and duels better which is the reason i became a Beta Tester on Fakepixel and i think i can work as a Junior Helper to make Bedwars and duels better to provide some better experience to enthusiastic and vigorous players like me because most of the staff members mostly only work on Skyblock and new mini-games so i'll love to join staff team as a Junior Helper to work on Bedwars and Duels.


Tell us a bit about yourself, including your hobbies and interests:

: I love playing games both video games and IRL games. My some hobbies are playing guitar and learning new languages and some time work as a Beta Tester for new upcoming games. 


        Is there anything else you would like us to know?


       : Ig that's all from my side at this moment.

Last edited: 6 months ago x 2

Making my world better 

Aarush Player
8 posts
1 topics
6 months ago

Good Luck!!!

x 1
PinkyVanes MVP++ MVP VIP Player
110 posts
7 topics
6 months ago

Good luck

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Leo1x Player
4 posts
1 topics
6 months ago

Best of luck!!

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Whispering VIP Player
11 posts
1 topics
6 months ago

Good Luck!

x 1

I like Tea

336 posts
21 topics
6 months ago

Really thanks everyone I really appreciate your efforts 

Making my world better 

daniel Main Admin MVP Player
595 posts
9 topics
6 months ago

Application Declined

x 1

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