Your name: vansh
Your age: 16
Your country & timezone: india, (GMT+5:30).
Your IGN: vanshRo5123H.
Your Discord: gg_vansh.
For how long have you been playing on Fakepixel?: 1.2 years.
Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?: Yes.
Please include minimum 2 links of your reported bugs on Fakepixel Forum (ex. link | level (low-medium-high))
High level
Medium level
Are you multilingual?: yes, I can speak English, hindi and punjabi.
Where are you most active on the Fakepixel Network?: Skyblock, bedwars and build FFA.
What’s the main goal of your applying?: I want to make fakepixel lag free and bug free so I m applying for bt rank I hope I get accepted
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.: Yes, recently I got banned from fakepixel and it's a false ban I report in discord support server also I got unbanned because it's a false ban and he thinking I hack someone account that's why he ban and then I send him proofs then I got unbanned.
Anything else we should know?: no just wants to say thankyou for checking my application ️
Last edited: about 1 month ago