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Accepted Application For Beta Tester!
Topic Locked
Pisachi_ BT MVP++ MVP+ VIP Player
28 posts
11 topics
about 1 month ago
  • you're 14 years old or older; Fulfilled
  • 300+ hours of playtime on FakepixelFulfilled
  • 2 reported high-level bugs or 7 reported bugs with any level in total Fulfilled


  1. Your name -->  Harshit
  2. Your age --> 17
  3. Your country & timezone --> India, Indian-Standard-Time (IST) 
  4. Your IGN --> Pisachi_
  5. Your Discord --> Pisachi_ 
  6. For how long have you been playing on Fakepixel? --> I have been playing Fakepixel for 11 months
  7. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video? --> Yes, I am capable of recording minecraft videos 
  8. Please include minimum 2 links of your reported bugs on Fakepixel Forum (ex. link | level (low-medium-high))  Bug-1 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1622-bug-report/ [Medium] 
  9. Bug-2 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1608-bank-upgrade-without-gold-required-/ [High]
  10. Bug-3 >  https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1619-bug-report-/ [Medium]
  11. Bug-4 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1620-bug-report/ [High]
  12. Bug-5> https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1610-bug-report/ [Low]
  13. Bug-6> https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1609-the-duration-and-perks-of-rank-do-not-show/ [Medium]
  14. Bug-7 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1611-bug-report/ [High]
  15. Are you multilingual? Yes, I can speak Hindi and English
  16. Where are you most active on the Fakepixel NetworkSkyblock > Buildffa > duels > Bedwars
  17. What’s the main goal of your applying? I want to apply for the Beta Tester rank to make the gamemodes and server more better and look forward to explore and learn from this role.
  18. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. Yes , I have been banned once for cross-teaming in bedwars for 7 days. I let the opponent gapple before the pvp
  19. Anything else we should knowI love fakepixel server and playing with friends in this server most of the time. 
  20. I am aiming for computer science engineering in my life because I want to learn coding and make something epic!

Last edited: about 1 month ago x 2


AhmedTheGuy6100 Moderator MVP++ MVP+ VIP Player
14 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago


With thrill and risk, I sharpen my nerves. I'm someone who would bet even under the worst circumstances.』

daniel Main Admin MVP Player
595 posts
9 topics
about 1 month ago

Application Accepted
Congratulations for becoming a Beta Tester!
You'll be contacted by one of the Administrators in order to discuss all the details.

x 1

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