- you're 14 years old or older; Fulfilled
- 300+ hours of playtime on Fakepixel; Fulfilled
- 2 reported high-level bugs or 7 reported bugs with any level in total Fulfilled
- Your name --> Harshit
- Your age --> 17
- Your country & timezone --> India, Indian-Standard-Time (IST)
- Your IGN --> Pisachi_
- Your Discord --> Pisachi_
- For how long have you been playing on Fakepixel? --> I have been playing Fakepixel for 11 months
- Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video? --> Yes, I am capable of recording minecraft videos
- Please include minimum 2 links of your reported bugs on Fakepixel Forum (ex. link | level (low-medium-high)) Bug-1 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1622-bug-report/ [Medium]
- Bug-2 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1608-bank-upgrade-without-gold-required-/ [High]
- Bug-3 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1619-bug-report-/ [Medium]
- Bug-4 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1620-bug-report/ [High]
- Bug-5> https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1610-bug-report/ [Low]
- Bug-6> https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1609-the-duration-and-perks-of-rank-do-not-show/ [Medium]
- Bug-7 > https://fakepixel.fun/forum/topic/1611-bug-report/ [High]
- Are you multilingual? Yes, I can speak Hindi and English
- Where are you most active on the Fakepixel Network? Skyblock > Buildffa > duels > Bedwars
- What’s the main goal of your applying? I want to apply for the Beta Tester rank to make the gamemodes and server more better and look forward to explore and learn from this role.
- Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. Yes , I have been banned once for cross-teaming in bedwars for 7 days. I let the opponent gapple before the pvp
- Anything else we should know? I love fakepixel server and playing with friends in this server most of the time.
- I am aiming for computer science engineering in my life because I want to learn coding and make something epic!
Last edited: about 1 month ago x 2