Your IGN: Pisachi_
Date and Time: 30/12/2024 9:49 P.M (IST)
Description of the Bug:
This is a annoying bug where the player can't interact with their party until they don't disconnect and rejoin the server
Screenshots or Video:
Video --->
Steps to perform the Bug (Test it with friend):
(1. Tell your friend to add you into a party and then leave the server (friend must be party leader). Now it will show player is disconnected , they have 5 minute to rejoin before the party is disbanded.
2.Leave the party (party gets disband) and join any other party
3.Now after 5 minutes the old party (where you friend is disconnected) will show a message of party disbanded again
4. Now if you try to talk in /pc or do /pl , it will show you are not in a party (You are bugged which is very annoying)
Last edited: about 1 month ago