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Declined application for beta tester
Topic Locked
5 posts
2 topics
2 months ago
  1. Your name

    -----> Atharva

  2. Your age

    ------> 16

  3. Your country & timezone

    ------>India (GMT5:30+)

  4. Your IGN

    ------> NOTGAMERMCYT

  5. Your Discord

    -------> mr_notgamer_01

  6. For how long have you been playing on Fakepixel?

    -------> I am playing fakepixel for more than 2 year I left playing for some time but i joined back playing and now i am very active
  7. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?

    -------> yes I can record minecraft videos but at low framerate :<

  8. Please include minimum 2 links of your reported bugs on Fakepixel Forum (ex. link | level (low-medium-high))

    --------> I was unkown about how to use and create forums in fakepixel website but i reported 1 flying bug in tickets and reported about players too.

  9. Are you multilingual?

    -----> yes I can speak many languages like hindi , english and punjabi

  10. Where are you most active on the Fakepixel Network?

    ------> I play mostly skyblock but now I have started playing bedwars too I grind in dungeons and makes myself stronger 

  11. What’s the main goal of your applying?

    --------> I want to find too many bugs for server i have seen them in game like sword ability glitches and bedwars lags 

  12. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.

    ------> unfortunately, yes I have been punished in minecraft server and discord server too I said bad word to a minecraft player so he reported about me and in discord when I was new I sent fakepixel link in fakepixel english general chat so I got banned from there after that I tried to get unban many times but I never got .

  13. Anything else we should know?

    ----> Yes i can tell about me I am also working in other projects like smp's lifesteal server and many other but I love playing fakepixel but there are some small problems which need to be fixed so i think i can help in this all....

    Thank you.....

Last edited: about 1 month ago
Vansupra VIP+ Player
98 posts
48 topics
about 1 month ago

Bruh u don't even report a single bug report the minimum requirements is 6! 

x 1

5 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

vansupra i have reported on discord many times about bugs like barrier gaining bugs and many more but i logged on fakepixel website after long time so i havent put any bug here but i have reported on fakepixel support about bugs like player flying , barrier block gaining glitch , duping glitch and 2-3 more

daniel Main Admin MVP Player
595 posts
9 topics
about 1 month ago

Application Declined

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