Name - Yuvaraj Singh.
Age - 15.
Country and Time zone -India and (GMT+5:30).
IGN - kruel_S
Discord ID - plutonium_36
Unfortunately, I don't have pc but I have microphone.
Yes, I am capable to record videos from my phone.
I am playing Minecraft since 2016 so basically 7-8 years I guss.
No, I am not involved in any Minecraft project.
Yes, English and Hindi.
Mostly active in game because I was ban from main discord server due to dark jokes :_).
I Usually play like 1-4 hours a day and I only play on fakepixel no other games.
In game I had not get any kind of punishment but only in discord server I was ban.
Ya I learn a lesson because of my mistake recently, verify everything before doing something and be focused on your words because it mey give you trouble
Yes , I have experience of being Admin/helper on pikanetwork but now I am not any more because I resigned from my post due to some personal problems
The main reason for applying for stuff is because recently my account was hacked both my ign and forms account and when I was asking for help admin were busy because they were fixing the issue of fakepixel server and I know it's hard to give instant response for them and I got feedback after 2 days which is kinda not good for me because the person which hack my account used to sell my account and he had sell also to somone for $5 and the guy who bought he transferred all money from ign bank and some items and I was really disappointed because of this but then I realised that they try to help everyone but they also need some time and then I'll think that I can do people help If I became stuff and that's the reason for applying.
My hobbies are gaming/Editing and I recently start learning Java programming also and my main goal is to master in it
No [^ ^]
I hope my stuff reason you mey understand and I hope that you mey feel that I can fulfill the needs and to see me in jr.Helper [rank]
Amen thanku :D
Last edited: 2 months ago x 1