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Information Staff Recruitment Information
Topic Locked
daniel Main Admin MVP Player
595 posts
9 topics
7 months ago

This section is for those interested in applying for the Junior Helper position in-game.

Please ensure you meet the following requirements before applying:

  • You are 15 years of age or older.
  • You have been a member of Fakepixel for at least 6 months.
  • Your native language is English, or you possess English proficiency at or above an intermediate level (B1).
  • You are not currently employed elsewhere.
  • You are not blacklisted.
  • You are active within the Fakepixel Community.
  • WARNING: You have a PC to work from.
  • You have an opportunity to spend at least 7 hours weekly on Fakepixel.

Application Process: Create a new post and complete the form below:

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Country and Timezone
  4. In-Game Name (IGN)
  5. Discord nickname and ID
  6. Do you have a PC and a microphone?
  7. Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos?
  8. How long have you been playing Minecraft?
  9. How long have you been active on Fakepixel?
  10. Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify.
  11. Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak?
  12. How much time can you dedicate to the role weekly?
  13. Have you ever been punished on any server, including Fakepixel? If so, please provide details.
  14. You, as a candidate for this role, must have an experience of working on other projects (not necessarily Minecraft servers, could be other projects requiring moderation). Could you mention all the projects you've been working on before, for how long you've been there and what were your duties? Did you like the job and why?
    If you want to mention Discord servers, please do so only in case it was a public server concluding more than 2 thousand community members. It would be great if you've been working on Partnered or/and Verified Discord servers. 
  15. Everyone does mistakes sometimes in their life. Does this sound similar to you? If so, could you tell us what mistake you did and how were you trying to fix it? How could this mistake be useful for your work?
  16. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  17. Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fakepixel Network?
  18. What is Fakepixel for you?
  19. We're curious about our candidates, their activity and hobbies! Would you mind telling us about yourself? 
  20. Is there anything else you would like us to know?


FAQ about Application Process

  1. My application was declined. Why so? I think it was great!
    Unfortunately, there are multiple reasons why we couldn't accept you this time. Application may look beautiful, but not be full of the information we require. We'll be happy to see you applying for this role again in 3 months after Admin posted his answer under your application! We kindly ask to not post applications if you were recently declined and 3 months haven't passed yet.

  2. My post has an Interview tag and looks like I was accepted for the interview. What are my next actions?
    - Congratulations! Now you need to complete the interview with the concurrent Main Curator. Wait for the message from Danielo to discuss your interview time. Please do not message Danielo yourself.

  3. What if I can't complete the interview?
    - Interview must be completed in order to be accepted to the Fakepixel Team. In this case, unfortunately, we'll have to decline both your interview and application. You can reapply as soon as you'll have an ability to pass the interview.

  4. Is it paid?
    - No, Junior Helper and all Staff positions are volunteer positions.

  5. How much time does it take for my application to be reviewed?
    - max. 30 days and 24 hours to message you in case your application was accepted for the interview. 

Good luck! 

Last edited: 9 days ago x 64 | x 1 | x 3

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