Ign vanshRo5123H
Date and time 9:14, 31/10/2024
How it's work go in crimson, go near at the ashfangs low ashfang at 2m hp then when ashfang absorb his blazes then fire ur ball and it's will give u reward but ashfang were not killed u can use it multiple times so almost unlimited fire veil wands!
Proof I can't provide proofs as a video needed because my phone recorder will crash if u can't able to do this bug then contact with me in discord I can explain in detail + I will show this bug to my discord id is gg_vansh
One more thing I m reporting this bug 3rd time but u guys not checking my application one application has completed 2 months but not seen and one 20d around something don't do it duplicate now check this and if u decline give me example why u decline it!
Last edited: 3 months ago